Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mental Health Breakdown

Top Comment: "Speaking at Fashion Week on Cardassia Prime, captain Picard implored Gul Madred to upgrade his wardrobe and 'Wear our fall lines'"



  2. I still remember that episode. It was awesome.

  3. That one and "The Inner Light" where Picard lives someone elses life are my two favorite of the "serious" TNG episodes.

    Good stuff.

  4. Yes, "The Inner Light"! Also, the one where Q shows Picard what would have happened if he hadn't been stabbed through the heart as a young man. Actually, all the TNG episodes are awesome. I don't know why they don't cancel half the shows on tv and re-run TNG.

  5. There are a lot of TNG reruns still on the air.

    Just to qualify, I think the "good" episodes in season 1 are pretty few and far between. In my opinion, the show hadn't quite found it's "legs" yet. My all time favs are in the middle season.

    Right now I'm moving slowly through DS9. I missed most of it during the initial run. I watched a lot of TNG when I was a boy, then Voyager when I was in High School, DS9 got kinda lost in the tween years.

    It's OK. A lot of fighting and one liners, less moral "gotcha" questions than TNG. It's nice to see Worf and O'Brien in "new" (to me) stories, though.

  6. Dungy that's weird...I am currently watching through DS9 right now as well. Kind of the same scenario of how I saw them. Though I haven't seen all of Voyager either.
