Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thoughts On Komen

First off:

1. Susan G Komen For The Cure was within it's rights to direct funds to Planned Parenthood.
2. Pro-Life individuals and organizations were within their rights to publicly criticize this.
3. Susan G Komen For The Cure was within it's rights to cease sending funds to Planned Parenthood.
4. Planned Parenthood was within it's rights to publicly critize this.
5. Pro-Choice individuals and organizations were within their rights to publicly critize this.
6. Susan G Komen For The Cure was within it's rights to reverse their decision about Planned Parenthood.
7. Susan G Komen For The Cure was within it's rights to fire any of their employees over this.
8. Pro-Life individuals and organizations are within their rights to critize these moves.

So, are we clear then? No one's rights have been violated in this. There really is no controversy here, except that Komen didn't anticipate the reaction of pro-choice patrons and clients. I don't buy their excuse about the investigation, but that's nitpicking. It really doesn't matter what their reasons were, they're free to do whatever they want for whatever reason. And the millions of people who donate to them are free to take exception, for whatever reason.

Is there anyone out there who doubts whether Komen makes these decisions based on which party is willing to donate more? It's a simple equation: money from one party versus more money from another party.

The ideological debate lies - as it always has - between the Pro-Choicers and Pro-Lifers with money to give. Not the charity itself. And each and every one of us is guilty of exactly the same "crime": having an agenda beyond helping people with cancer. If we want to be pissed at someone, let's be pissed at each other.


  1. Yeah pretty much agree on all counts here.

    It was a totally invented controversy.

  2. Wait,

    What exactly is the controversy about this recent Komen incident?

  3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/timeline-of-key-events-in-komen-controversy/2012/02/07/gIQAX4EWxQ_story.html
