Friday, October 21, 2011


After at least 3 years of trying, one of my emailed comments to Andrew Sullivan's blog, The Daily Dish got quoted in a blog post. I'm the last one quoted in the blog.

I realize it may seem that I'm blowing this out of proportion. But you just don't understand, man. Like, hundreds of thousands of people follow this blog daily. And of those, a probably-not-insignificant percentage write in. There's a ton of indirect conversation going back and forth between the readers, the staffers and Sullivan himself. Kind of a little micro-culture in itself.

This has been a good week. The law of averages has asserted itself, in the form of proving that not all dictators can escape to switzerland or saudi arabia. I got to see the original Ghostbusters in the theatre. And I got to use the phrase "Herman Cain's stink-pizza" on a popular blog. God be praised.

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